The Clean Coop is a for-profit cooperative that owns equity in clean energy companies and operates a carbon credit marketplace.
It is a cooperative, which means you can be an owner.
You can own our transition to renewable clean energy.
You can own the future.
A coop is a for-profit business model that has existed for hundreds of years. Coops successfully manage hundreds of billions of dollars annually and range in nature from your local credit union to major outdoor gear retailers.
Coops are owned by their members, that is, the people and organizations who produce and consume the goods that the coop sells.
A coop is designed to effectively distribute profits and dividends back to the member-owners. The Clean Coop is organized so everyone can be a member-owner and directly benefit from clean renewable energy projects.
Yes! Clean Coop is an open cooperative; anyone can join and become a member-owner.
Join below.
To provide carbon credits to Clean or inquire about investment opportunities, contact us here.
As a member-owner in Clean Coop, you are supporting our transition to renewable clean energy.
Clean Coop owns equity in sustainable energy projects and, if you are a member-owner, you own Clean Coop. So, when the energy projects turn a profit, those profit distributions are passed on to you.
Also, Clean Coop member-owners have exclusive access to the carbon credit marketplace and products. Member-owners may buy, resell, and use the carbon credits. Like all coops, purchasing carbon credits earn member-owner dividends.
It’s rather simple, Clean Coop wants to empower the people to own our transition to clean renewable energy.
Clean Coop believes that you are the true change agent and should be given the opportunity to have equity in sustainable energy production.
Clean Coop wants you to own the future.
Copyright © 2023 Clean Holding Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.